Airdrops are something crypto users always have an eye on. They are one of the most efficient and easiest methods by which you can make your first 100 thousand dollars in the crypto space. With the many airdrops held on different platforms, users have managed to earn massive profits with little to no income. People made an earning of around four figures on Aptos, four figures on Hashflow and five figures on DYDX through their respective airdrops.

With the current craze that this technique is surrounded with, more and more crypto projects are adopting it to grow their protocol. As a result, we believe that the Lens Protocol could also potentially become a SocialFi unicorn & airdrop their $LENS token. In this article, we will cover the details of the project and how you can become eligible for the airdrop

What is the LENS Protocol?

The Lens Protocol is a very popular protocol that functions as a social graph platform catering to many social apps, for example, YouTube and Twitter. Lens essentially unifies your profile from these apps along with your audience, and content on all Lens-powered apps. Much like an ENS domain, your profile can be traded on marketplaces.

The Lens Protocol allows users to manage several functions like minting a profile, following others, creating and accumulating any publications, etc, all in an on-chain mechanism. Being both a permissionless and a non-custodial platform, it lets the user take control of their profile and digital identity. Lens has been funded by many big names in the past and has also acquired Sonar, a social gaming platform with web3 foundation. The protocol is looking to raise more investment rounds in the near future.

The team backing the Lens Protocol has quite an impressive background. Not only is it powered by the Polygon PoS network, but is also created by the unit responsible for building the Aave Protocol. They have designed Lens in a holistic manner so that many other functionalities can be deployed on top of it. This functionality support was created specifically keeping in mind factors like publications for example individual user-owned profile NFTs, posts, comments, and mirrors (similar to retweets).

Learn more about the Lens Protocol: Is it the next Web 3.0 Social Media Giant 2023?

Partners of the Protocol

Lens Protocol has partnered with several renowned names in the industry to create an efficient and advanced ecosystem for the users. These partners are as follows:

  • Arweave
  • IPFS
  • LitProtocol
  • XMTP
  • Dispatch
  • OpenSea
  • Zerion
  • Snapshot
  • Alchemy
  • ENS
  • Gelato
  • Livepeer
  • POAP
  • PoH
  • Polygon
  • Push
  • Toucan
  • WorldCoin

Lens Protocol Airdrop: How to make yourself eligible?

The Lens Protocol has been undergoing several changes and is also adapting to many new developments. They have recently transitioned to DAO and also are strategising to start levying a protocol fee very soon. Keeping in mind this new path of growth, it is very likely that the protocol would also host an airdrop in the near future. As we still don’t have any confirmed official news yet, we can take some necessary steps in order to increase our chances. Follow this step by step guide in order to be eligible for the upcoming airdrop.

Step 1: Getting a profile on Lens Protocol

The first and foremost step we need to follow is to create a profile on Lens Protocol. In order to do that you will have to observe the steps given below. There are two ways in which you can get your hands on a Lens Profile

Method 1: By Claiming a profile

The lens protocol in its steps to conduct several community events and collaborations with different platforms issues some lens profiles to users for free. They took snapshots on the 15th of August 2022 and the eligibility criteria are for those users who were a part of the event by then. If you fulfil these criteria follow these steps

  1. Visit the official website of Lens Protocol through this link
  2. On the top right corner click on “Claim Profile”
  3. You will be taken to the Lens Protocol Claiming App webpage
  4. Select “Connect Wallet” and link the wallet of your choice with the platform. You can choose between the coinbase wallet, wallet connect and a browser wallet.
  5. Approve the pop-ups and signature requests from your wallet and once you are done your wallet will be linked
  6. Now click on “Check Your Claimable Handles” and based on whether or not you are eligible you will be able to get the profile

Method 2: Buying the Lens Profile

In case you missed the snapshot and are not eligible for the profile, you can simply buy it on OpenSea. To do so follow the given steps

  1. Visit the official website of OpenSea marketplace by clicking on this link
  2. In the search bar type in “Lens Protocol Profiles”. Select is the first option that must also be verified.
  3. Now you can buy a profile from one of the options. The sale is starting at the price of 229 USDC and goes as high as 100,000,000,000,000 ETH.

Step 2: Interact wth LensFrens

LensFrens is basically an application under LensPrtocol that lets you explore and find different profiles that match a footprint similar to yours on web3 so that you can follow them. To interact with this application, follow these steps

  1. Visit the official LensFrens website through this link
  2. Click on Connect Wallet in the top right corner. You can link either a browser wallet or the wallet by WalletConnect
  3. Approve the pop-ups and signature requests from your wallet and once you are done your wallet will be linked. Make sure your wallet has the Polygon Mainnet network on it,
  4. Now on LensFrens you can follow the accounts you are interested in. I would suggest you follow a minimum of 50 accounts.

Step 3: Using the Lenster app

Lenster is also a product of the Lens Protocol and functions as a composable, decentralized, and permissionless social media web platform. To inteacrt with this application follow these instructions

  1. Visit the official website of Lens Protocol through this link
  2. Click on the Apps option in the top menu bar
  3. Scroll down till you fund “Lenster” under the Featured On Lens section. Select this option
  4. A new webpage to the Lenster app will open.
  5. On the top right corner click on the login option
  6. Now you will be asked to connect a wallet with the app. You can link either a browser wallet or the wallet by WalletConnect.
  7. Once you have connected your wallet you can start making posts. Before that make sure you have claimed your Lens Profile.
  8. You can also interact in other ways by Liking and commenting on other posts, Customizing your profile, adding your Twitter account, and making regular posts.

Step 4: Getting Guild roles for Lenster

Guild is a very popular platform that is put to use by protocols in order to give roles to their community members through tasks and assignments. In order to get guild roles on Lens follow these steps

  1. Visit the official Guild website through this link
  2. Click on “explore guilds”
  3. In the search bar type “Lenster” and select the result
  4. Click on “Connect to a Wallet”
  5. In the pop up choose the wallet of your preference. You have four options namely Meta Mask, Coinbase Wallet, Wallet Connect and Delgate Wallet
  6. Once your wallet is linked Click on “Join Guild To Get Rewards”. In the pop up select “join”
  7. Now that you are a part of the Lenster Guild you can scroll down to see the roles.
  8. Some of the roles that you will gain access to immediately and their requirements are as follows
    • Role Name: Bloomer
      Role Requirement: You will need to Have a Lens Protocol profile
    • Role Name: Lenster Maxi
      Role Requirement: You will need to Have “(?, ?)” in your Twitter username and Have at least 10 followers on Twitter
    • Role Name: Supporter
      Role Requirement: You will need to Collect the 0x0d-0x0252 post on Lens Protocol or Collect the 0x0d-0x02b6 post on Lens Protocol
    • Role Name: Socials
      Role Requirement: You will need to follow yoginth.lens on Lens protocol, Follow lenster.lens on Lens protocol, Follow @yogicodes on Twitter, and Give a star to the lensterxyz/lenster repository
    • Role Name: Gas Supporter
      Role Requirement: You will need to Collect the 0x0d-0xa9 post on Lens Protocol
    • Role Name: Power user
      Role Requirement: Have at least 20 posts on Lens Protocol

Step 5: Interacting with Lenstube

Lenstube is another popular Lens Protocol offering that is essentially a decentralized video-sharing social media platform. You can interact with this platform by observing the giving instructions

  1. Visit the official website of Lens Protocol through this link
  2. Click on the Apps option in the top menu bar
  3. Scroll down till you fund “Lenstube” under the Featured On Lens section. Select this option
  4. A new webpage to the Lenstube app will open
  5. On the top right corner click on the connect wallet option
  6. Now you will be asked to link a wallet with the app. You can choose from MetaMask wallet, WalletConnect, Coinbase wallet, ledger Live Wallet and Rainbow wallet
  7. Once you have connected your wallet you can start making publishing. Before that make sure you have claimed your Lens Profile.
  8. You can also Like and comment on videos. I would recommend you be as active as possible on the platform, post a few videos and a few Bytes, and subscribe to other channels.

Step 6: Using the Phaver app

  1. Visit the official website of Lens Protocol through this link
  2. Click on the Apps option in the top menu bar
  3. Scroll down till you fund “Phaver” under the Featured On Lens section. Select this option
  4. A new webpage to the Phaver app will open
  5. Next use the link on the webpage and Download the app from App Store or Google Play
  6. To access the app you will need an invite code. One of these is EARLYBIRD
  7. Next just Sign up and connect your Lens profile
  8. After this, you Make posts and follow accounts. Additionally, you can also Like/comment/spend coins on other posts

Step 7: Create memes on Memester

  1. Visit the official website of Lens Protocol through this link
  2. Click on the Apps option in the top menu bar
  3. Scroll down till you fund “Memester” under the Featured On Lens section. Select this option
  4. A new webpage to the Memester app will open
  5. On the top right corner click on the login option
  6. Now join with your Lens Profile
  7. After this you can perform many functions like Creating a meme as well as Collecting, mirroring, and commenting on other memes

Step 8: Create memes on Memester

  1. Visit the official website of Lens Protocol through this link
  2. Click on the Apps option in the top menu bar
  3. Scroll down till you fund “Memester” under the Featured On Lens section. Select this option
  4. A new webpage to the Memester app will open
  5. On the top right corner click on the login option
  6. Now join with your Lens Profile
  7. After this you can perform many functions like Creating a meme as well as Collecting, mirroring, and commenting on other memes

Step 9: Interacting with Lensport

  1. Visit the official Lensport website through this link
  2. Click on Connect Wallet in the top right corner. You can link either a Metamask wallet, a wallet by WalletConnect or the coinbase wallet.
  3. Approve the pop-ups and signature requests from your wallet and once you are done your wallet will be linked.
  4. Now on Lensport you can Trade your posts as well as Mint other posts

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