ZCash, short for Zero Cash is a privacy-centered, cryptographic currency protocol. It was launched in the year 2014 by Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Christina Garman, Matthew Green, Ian Miers, Eran Tromer, and Madars Virza.

The base idea behind the inception wasn’t just to create another cryptocurrency option, but there was a vision to truly decentralize and protect user privacy. It happens to be one of the oldest cryptos to have been built on the original Bitcoin codebase.

ZCash allows lending its users the control to choose what they want to share for the transaction that happens on the ZCash Blockchain. ZCash was the first crypto to implement zero-knowledge proof; a cryptographic technique that doesn’t allow any revelation of transactional information.

ZCash assures efficient, user-friendly, and fast transactions to its users. Apart from that a completely decentralized system with its information stored across a wide range of machinery and people makes it practically attack-proof.

Today ZCash is a legitimate payment option across conglomerates and organizations. It has also been approved to be traded for real currencies, i.e, Dollars, and Euros.

About ZCash

Website z.cash
Token ZEC
Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Garman, Matthew Green, Ian Miers, Eran Tromer, and Madars Virza.
Consensus Mechanism Proof-of-Work
Market Cap $457,270,403
Current Rank #200

How to buy a ZCash?

You can buy ZCash from the following exchanges.

Binance Sign up here
Coinbase Sign up here
Uniswap Sign up here
Gate.io Sign up here
KuCoin Sign up here

If you wish to buy ZEC against INR, you can buy from WazirX and CoinDCX.

ZCash Price History

ZCash in 2016

ZCash started trading in the month of November of 2016 with an all-time high of over $900 what followed was a steep decline given the state of the market in the year and ZCash came down to $50.52 by the end of December 2016.

ZCash in 2017

Throughout the year 2017 ZCash showed consistent upward growth and it hit back on the triple-digit mark in May even crossing the $200 market times. With fluctuations then and now ZCash crossed the $500 mark, hitting $507 by the end of December 2017.

ZCash in 2018

Starting the year with $719.10 in price, ZCash another crucial dip, falling down to $100 in November. The dip followed in November, taking ZCash to double-digit figures. By the end of the year, ZCash priced in at $56.25.

ZCash in 2019

For the majority of 2019, the graph performed better than its previous years in terms of fluctuation, which can also be regarded as a con. There were no steep rises or falls. It did cross the $100 mark for a brief couple of days in July with the highest point hitting in at $112.19. A gradual decline in the month of December led to ZCash ending the year at the price of $28.56.

ZCash in 2020

In the pandemic year, ZCash toggled in between the figures of $30 to $60 for the majority of the period.

Months of July and August pulled the price up to $80, and the trend followed in September and onwards with a slight decline and ended the year at $69.01.

ZCash in 2021

The year 2021, picked up ZCash and brought it to triple-digit pricing in January itself at $109.01. Though February brought a slight downward graph, it swiftly picked up to $314.88 by the month of May.

With the ZCash stabilizing slightly for the rest of the year there weren’t any steep trends and the year ended at a price of $153.58.

ZCash in 2022

Starting the year with $146.58 in prices ZCash saw a steep fall by the end of January but it was followed by a quick recovery, back to crossing the $100 mark. After hitting $210.26 in March, ZCash showed a steady decline, trading between $90 and $50 up until November: after that, the price fell further down to the bracket of $40-$30.

ZCash in 2023

On January 31st, 2023, the trading price stood at $44.45. However, as time progressed, the price began to decline steadily. By the end of December 2023, the trading price had fallen to $28.70, indicating a bearish trend throughout the year.

ZCash (ZEC) price Prediction 2024, 2025 to 2030

ZEC Price Prediction 2024

When Maximum Price Minimum Price
June 2024 $19.987 $16.656
July 2024 $21.986 $18.321
August 2024 $24.184 $20.154
September 2024 $26.603 $22.169
October 2024 $26.869 $22.391
November 2024 $29.556 $24.630
December 2024 $29.851 $24.876

In 2024, ZCash prices are expected to show notable variation throughout the year. In June, the maximum price is projected to reach $19.987, while the minimum could be $16.656. By December, the price is anticipated to rise further, with a maximum of $29.851 and a minimum of $24.876. These projections indicate a significant upward trend for ZCash, reflecting dynamic market conditions and potential growth in the cryptocurrency sector.

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ZCash Price Prediction 2025

When Maximum Price Minimum Price
January 2025 $30.150 $24.314
February 2025 $27.409 $19.578
March 2025 $27.957 $22.546
April 2025 $25.415 $18.154
May 2025 $27.625 $22.279
June 2025 $30.388 $21.706
July 2025 $29.792 $24.026
August 2025 $35.751 $25.536
September 2025 $36.108 $29.119
October 2025 $32.826 $23.447
November 2025 $33.482 $27.002
December 2025 $33.817 $24.155

As we step into 2025, ZCash is expected to exhibit significant price fluctuations throughout the year. In January, the maximum price is anticipated to reach $30.150, while the minimum might be $24.314. Moving forward, June could see a maximum of $30.388 and a minimum of $21.706. By December, ZCash prices are projected to hit a maximum of $33.817 and a minimum of $24.155.

ZCash (ZEC) Price Prediction for 2026 – 2030

When Maximum Price Minimum Price
2026 $44.231 $7.761
2027 $25.099 $8.467
2028 $51.978 $16.446
2029 $108.320 $37.426
2030 $113.665 $66.988

Looking ahead, ZCash is forecasted to experience considerable price changes each year from 2026 to 2030. In 2026, the maximum price of ZCash is expected to reach $44.231, while the minimum could drop to $7.761. The following year, 2027, could see the maximum price at $25.099 and the minimum at $8.467. By 2028, ZCash’s maximum price is projected to climb to $51.978, with a minimum of $16.446. In 2029, prices could soar to a maximum of $108.320, while the minimum might be $37.426. Finally, in 2030, ZCash’s maximum price is anticipated to peak at $113.665, with a minimum of $66.988.

ZCash (ZEC) Price Forecast in INR 2024 to 2030

Year WISE (in INR)
Maximum Price Minimum Price
2024 ₹2,490.53 ₹1,389.70
2025 ₹2,821.47 ₹1,514.33
2026 ₹3,686.65 ₹646.88
2027 ₹2,092 ₹705.72
2028 ₹4,332.37 ₹1,370.77
2029 ₹9,028.47 ₹3,119.46
2030 ₹9,473.98 ₹5,583.45

In 2024, ZCash is projected to have a maximum price of ₹2,490.53 and a minimum of ₹1,389.70. For 2025, the expected maximum price is ₹2,821.47, with a minimum of ₹1,514.33. Moving into 2026, the maximum price could reach ₹3,686.65, while the minimum may fall to ₹646.88. In 2027, ZCash might see a maximum price of ₹2,092 and a minimum of ₹705.72. By 2028, the maximum price is anticipated to rise to ₹4,332.37, with a minimum of ₹1,370.77. In 2029, prices could peak at ₹9,028.47, with a minimum of ₹3,119.46. Finally, in 2030, ZCash’s maximum price is forecasted to reach ₹9,473.98, while the minimum is expected to be ₹5,583.45. These projections highlight significant potential volatility and growth for ZCash over the coming years.

ZCash Price Predictions: Frequently Asked Questions

How is Zcash different from Bitcoin?

The most basic difference between Bitcoin and ZCash was that ZCash was established with user privacy being the base of ZCash creation. While Bitcoin operates on the public ledger and information is completely available to everyone; ZCash handles the choice of privacy to its users to publish or hold back as much as they want.

Should I invest in ZCash?

ZCash as an asset is a great option for investment, given the world governments’ entry into the crypto game, it will help maintain user privacy and also projects considerable growth in the coming years.

Where can I store ZCash?

ZCash tokens can be stored in a digital wallet, hardware wallet, or cold storage wallet.

What is the Price Prediction of ZCash for 2025?

ZCash is expected to trade between $18.154 to $36.108 in 2025.

What is the Price Prediction of ZCash for 2030?

Zcash is expected to reach $113.665 by the end of 2030.

Is ZCash Worth Investing in 2024?

In a world increasingly reliant on digital transactions, ZCash emerges as a beacon of innovation, offering not just a currency but a vision for privacy-centric financial interactions. Its steadfast commitment to decentralization and user empowerment has propelled it into the mainstream, with widespread acceptance across industries. As we peer into the future, the upward trajectory of ZCash’s price projections serves as a testament to its enduring relevance and potential for continued growth. With each milestone, ZCash reaffirms its position as a trailblazer in the realm of cryptocurrencies, promising a future where privacy and security go hand in hand with financial freedom and innovation.